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Thursday, July 22, 2021

Eleven Mile Reservoir

Eleven Mile Reservoir is an unique stand-up paddle spot that is best characterized by the large boulders and rocky outcrops that stand over its eastern shore.  It also sees its share of wind, so check the hourly forecast before heading out.  

Eleven Mile SUP
Paddling through the enormous boulders

The reservoir is located a little more than an hour west of Colorado Springs, near the town of Lake George.  The trek from Denver--not nearly as direct--involves traveling south to the Springs then west on U.S. 24, or southwest on U.S. 285 then back east to the reservoir.  If neither of those drives sound appealing, a more scenic alternative connects Woodland Park and Pine via State Highway 67 and Jefferson County 126.  

    Location Info: [key]

    Open lakeshore with rock outcrops & boulders
    Scenery: 3
    Shoreline Interest: 5
    Use: Moderate-High
    Fee: $9/vehicle
    Access: Paved
    Full elev = 8597; Best near full 
    Water level
    Rec. map 
    Rec. info 

Eleven Mile Reservoir lies amidst a topographical transition zone, where the ponderosa pine forests and lumpy granite hillsides of the South Platte region give way to the barren expanses of South Park.  The northern half and western shores of the vast lake have few features of interest.  The eastern side, where the lake abuts the Puma Hills, holds many coves, rocky islands, and giant boulder outcrops along the waters edge.  

Typical Cove Topography

The eastern shore of Eleven Mile is easily accessed from the Coyote Ridge trailhead (#12 on park map).  The most interesting stretches of the lake are directly south of here, across the cove.  
There are also some scattered hiking trails and several backcountry campsites along this shoreline.  Several more developed campgrounds are located around the lake's perimeter, with Rocky Ridge being the closest to the best SUP areas.  All camping within the state park requires advanced reservation.  

Please note that all islands are closed to public use as outlined in the park's boating rules.  Swimming is also prohibited.  If paddling in the early season, consider bringing a wetsuit as the water is cold and can quickly become choppy with the area's high wind exposure.  

Corral Cove from launch
Lakeside rock outcrops

The large size and open topography of Eleven Mile make it especially susceptible to windy conditions.  A proactively early start is often key to enjoying the best conditions of the day.  A careful check and re-check of the hourly and detailed forecasts have heightened importance here, as the winds frequently intensify or reverse during the course of the day.  

Eleven Mile SUP Panorama
Panorama from Eleven Mile's eastern shore

The implications of wind surprises can be highly consequential due to the size of the lake.  The eastern shoreline of the lake will be largely protected from a light easterly breeze.  If the easterly wind speed picks up to double digits, however, it can threaten to push you out into the open expanse of the lake.   A wind from a northerly direction can make it difficult to get back to the launch area.  A moderate westerly wind can create surprisingly choppy conditions for the eastern shore.  This is a great place to use a kayak seat and paddle setup if you have it.  

Submerged boulders
Rocky Island Cluster

Eleven Mile Reservoir offers a unique stand-up paddle setting that in unlike anywhere else in Colorado.  A small amount of pre-planning can make for a very enjoyable experience here.  Since conditions can quickly turn unfavorable, an in-depth assessment of the day's forecast is prudent.  Watch the weather, use good judgement, play safe and wear a PFD! 

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