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Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Dowdy Lake

Dowdy Lake is an absolute gem as a stand-up paddle destination.  It is non-motorized, small enough that its wind exposure is limited, but big enough to have plenty of coves, islands and outcrops to explore.  

Dowdy Lake SUP
One of many boulder outcrops in Dowdy Lake

Dowdy lake is in the Red Feather Lakes Community.  At a little under 2 hours from Denver, it may seem a bit far for a day trip but is comparable to ski day at Beaver Creek and worth the travel time.  It also offers camping right at the lake, but the reserveable sites fill up quickly once they are made available on the spring.  Despite its distance from Denver and major highways, Dowdy Lake is quite popular in the summertime and the parking areas may fill up on weekend afternoons.  Neighboring West Lake provides a nice alternative to Dowdy and sees fewer visitors.  

Vicinity Map
    Location Info: [key]
    Dowdy Lake / West Lake

    Scenery: 4 / 4
    Shoreline Interest: 5 / 3
    Dowdy - Wakeless 
    West - Non Motorized
    Use: Mod-High / Moderate
    Fees: $7/vehicle
    Access: Gravel
    Full elevs: 8150 / 8240 
    minimal variation; natural
    Rec info

Dowdy Lake's many small islands are perhaps its most notable feature.  This makes it an especially engaging destination for families with younger children.  The south half of the lake features several clusters of island is the south half--some grassy and some boulder outcrops. 

Dowdy Lake Outcrops
Dowdy Lake Outcrop

An aerial image (below) of the lake gives a good idea of the topographic characteristics of the lake.  There are also multiple protected coves around the south and east shorelines.  The full length of western shoreline offers easy access for day use.  Shoreside camping is available along the south and east corners of the lake.  The day use and camping areas are both US Forest Service Fee Areas.  

Dowdy & West Lakes (click for zoomable map)

Neighboring West Lake is smaller than Dowdy but is also a pleasant forest lake that features a campground.  It makes a great alternative to Dowdy on busy summer weekends or on return trips to the area.  The smaller size and orientation of West Lake may also give better protection from the wind on breezy days.  

Dowdy and West lakes both occupy natural basins and do not experience significant changes in  water levels.  There are grocery and fuel services in the Red Feather Lakes community about a mile west of Dowdy Lake Road on County Road 74E, then another mile north.  

☆ One of many coves at Dowdy Lake

Dowdy Lake is a wonderful stand-up paddle destination that can even be done as a day trip for those on the Front Range.  While quite popular, there is plenty of fun to be had here by all.  Plan thoughtfully and, as always, play safely!

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