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Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Grand Teton National Park

Jackson Hole is one of the world's grandest landscapes, featuring the lazily meandering Snake River contrasted against the jagged peaks of the Teton Range 7,000 vertical feet above.  Although many fine water bodies exist in the Snake River Valley, this post focuses on two that are especially inviting and quite spectacular.  Meandering String Lake is easily accessible and perfect for paddleboards in almost every way.  Neighboring Leigh Lake is a worthwhile side trip with its vast waters with epic scenery.

String Lake SUP Teton
String Lake and the Teton Range

Grand Teton is one of the nation's most popular parks, regularly hosting more than 3 million annual visits.  The park's busiest months--July and August--also feature the most accommodating stand-up-paddling conditions.  The best advice is to start early.  According to the park's website, the String Lake parking area tends to get busy around 8 am, becoming "very busy" by 10 am.  All three parking lots in the String and Leigh Lake area are clustered together and fill up around the same time.  Parking on the roads outside of the parking areas is prohibited, so it's a good idea to allow a 30 to 60 minute cushion before 8 am to be confident in finding a space.    

    Location Info: [key]
    Scenery: 5 
    Shoreline Interest: 
    5 (String), 4 (Leigh)
    Use: High
    Fee: $35/veh + $17/SUP
    Access: Paved
    Full elev: 
    6860 (String), 6877(Leigh); 
    minimal variation; natural
    Rec info 

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Cliff and Wade Lakes

Hidden behind the tilting uplands of Montana's Upper Madison Valley are a pair of gem lakes that beckon with adventure.  Cliff Lake and neighboring Wade Lake are natural water bodies with pristine shorelines and teal waters, tucked between towering bluffs.  

Cliff Lake

The south end of Cliff Lake is only 5 air miles from Raynolds Pass, but the expansive topography of the Madison Valley gives scant hint of its existence.  Cliff and Wade occupy a long, meandering cleft in the otherwise rolling terrain between the Madison and Gravelly Ranges.  They are only 10 miles from the more visible Earthquake Lake, but their topographic and aquatic characteristics make them feel a world apart.

Vicinity Map
    Location Info: [key]

    Scenery: 4
    Shoreline Interest: 
    4 (Cliff), 3 (Wade)
    Use: Moderate
    Fee: None for day use
    Access: Gravel
    Full elev: 
    6300 (Cliff), 6220 (Wade); 
    minimal variation; natural
    Rec info 